A woman blowing her nose with a tissue while enjoying her employee benefits and medical benefits in Singapore.

5 Early Interventions Before Employee’s Health Worsens

Singapore’s major resource is its hard-working citizens. The island nation relies on a workforce that is committed to meeting goals and objectives, and success of the economy rests with them. The health of the employees is crucial because an ill person is not going to be very productive. Management intervention may appear to be an invasion of privacy, but it is not. Instead, it is a proactive effort on management’s part to help employees who are having health problems. These can be both physical and psychological. Early intervention can prevent small problems from becoming very serious emergencies. Realizing that organizations have various means of providing early assistance, the following are five most commonly used by employers.

1. Employee Wellness Intervention Programs.

It is perhaps the most common employer intervention on behalf of employee health. These programs will look at health screening and nutrition seminars as a means of getting employees to be more observant of their physical health. Encouragement may come in the form of free blood pressure tests and weight programs.

2. Smoking Cessation.

Nicotine is a drug and cigarette smoking is a leading cause of respiratory problems. Employers will offer smoking cessation programs when they introduce a non-smoking policy in the company. These employee interventions, however, can carry heavy consequences. For example, a person caught smoking in the building might receive disciplinary action, including discharge.

3. Substance Abuse.

While nicotine is a drug, using it ordinarily does not impede daily activity. Opioids can impede an employee’s productivity as well as pose a threat to the safety of other workers. Many companies, particularly those involved in manufacturing, have employee substance-abuse programs to help managers and employees better understand the dangers of certain medications. The programs may include counseling and both in-patient and out-patient treatment.

4. Alcoholism.

Alcohol is a socially acceptable drug, and it can also be an addiction. There are who are more than social drinkers; they are alcoholics who have trouble coping in daily life without heavy drinking. Alcoholism is a disease that can impair people’s mental processes, and employers have an interest in helping people kick the habit. Alcohol counseling is a fundamental part of many employee assistance programs.

5. Mental Health.

Employee assistance programs offer third-party help to deal with mental health issues. Some conditions require more than group sessions, and professional assistance is required. Mental health programs may require more time than ordinary employee interventions, but they are a means of helping restore a person to mental health and productivity.

Although some forms of intervention, such as non-smoking and wellness campaigns, may seem to be an invasion of privacy, most of the activity centers around helping employees stay healthy over the years. Intervention can result in life changes which improve the quality of life, in addition to adding years. Assistance from employers can stop a downward spiral and restore a person’s mental health. The benefits to the person are reasons enough for a progressive organization to think about having various intervention programs.

Intervention is not something many small and medium-sized business owners understand. It helps to have a third-party explain the various strategies, and recommend high-quality programs. We have been involved in employee benefits for years, and we know all about active employee intervention programs. We can suggest various vendors who can provide the professional care, and we give an idea of what the pricing needs to be.

David Ho
Medical Benefits Designer

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